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Your door to wealth and happiness!

Would you like to earn $3,000 to $7,000 a week without doing any work?

No meetings. No presentations. No questions to answer. No rejection.

This is possible if you join our Power Profit Team.

On our team, you will learn to use the most powerful automated marketing system in the world. With this system, anyone can earn thousands of dollars a week. No matter if you are a student, a housewife, or an executive. No experience is necessary. Your profit is GUARANTEED.

A group of marketing professionals created this incredibly profitable system. These men and women have made a total $20,000,000 on the Internet. They know how to market products. Let them teach you.

With our system, you can sell directly to 600 million Internet users. That’s a huge market. And you don’t have to lift a finger. The program works 24 hours a day – seven days a week. It finds the customers and sells automatically. You don’t have to sell. You don’t have to answer questions. No one rejects you. And it never runs out of people.

Here’s how the system works. You sign up seven people on your first day. Each person pays you $1,000. You keep $5,000 and send $2,000 to your sponsor. (Your sponsor is the person who told you about the programme) That may not sound good, but watch what happens.

The next day two of your people each sign up two more. The $2,000 from both these sales go to you. That’s $4,000. Then those four each sign up two more people. That’s $8,000 more dollars in your pocket! Your income will explode. You may earn as much as $30,000 in your first three weeks. And you don’t have to do anything. Just sit at home and watch the checks arrive!

When you sign on to our Power Profit Team, you will receive our wealth education package. This system of audiotapes, videotapes, and textbooks will teach you life lessons that only wealthy people know. You will learn to be happy and successful in every part of your life.

Send your e-mail and we will send you more information and invite you to a special internet question-and-answer programme.

Don’t delay. Do it today. Success and wealth are waiting for you!

  1. R eading comprehension

1. Check Your Predictions.


Not Accurate






2. Check the Facts


A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back to Reading 1 and look for the answers you are unsure of.

___ 1. Greg Cheney makes diet pills.

___ 2. Greg Cheney always tells the truth.

___ 3. Many people made a lot of money with Cheney’s company.

___ 4. Kelly Eagan lost money.

___ 5. Most people pay only $35.

___ 6. One bottle of diet pills cost $39,95.

___ 7. Igor Spilsak led in the TV commercial.

B. Complete the chart.

Amount they paid

Amount they made

Amount they lost

Kelly Eagan

Susan Kauffman

Igor Spilsak

How much money did Greg Cheney make from these people?


Answer the questions according to the information in the reading.

1. What are the advantages of this programme?

2. Who created the programme?

3. If you sign up, what do you get?

4. Why should you sign up soon?